
Remember our Air Force 10K Brandon and I ran together in September? The one where I had a goal of running fast and couldn't understand why I was huffing and in slow motion? The one where Brandon was jumping over barrels while I barely kept up pace? Yes, that made me sick. Well, we didn't know it, but three people crossed the finish line that day!
We were almost 5 weeks pregnant when I ran the race so it was actually a good thing I didn't have my Garmin and forgot my gels. Running by feel was a great way to make sure I was keeping it safe for Baby! And 55 minutes for a 10K prego is pretty good!
Brandon took my place since I was unable to race. :) He had been cycling and running, and had a great base fitness. I was so proud of him!
He killed the Columbus Half Marathon by getting a 1:54! It was so cool to see him pushing himself and running it He ran alone so he could run at his pace and left really early that Sunday morning of the race -- I woke up at 5:50 am to get ready to go cheer him on and he had already left and was downtown Cbus! This is sometimes a bone of contention with us because I don't like to get to races too early --it makes me more nervous. The girls and I tried to find him at mile 3, 6 and 11, but didn't spot him among the 17,000-plus people. I think at mile 6 he was on the opposite side of the street. It was just really hard to spot anyone unless they spotted you too or were wearing dayglo colors.
The girls and I made pink and black shirts that said, "Run Dad Run" and "Go Shmidty!" And a sign with all of our friends name on it and "Run Jess-Sub 2 or Bust!" Jess killed it too! We saw her at mile 6 and she was so excited! She was going strong and was so happy. She achieved her goal and I was so proud of her. We had run together all summer and it was just so cool to see her get sub2!
On the opposite side of the sign we put, "I don't even know you, but I am so proud of you!" And that sign got so many smiles from runners. Runners would shout out, "Thank you!" as they ran by and it was this great community of runners and spectators. The photographer right by us said we were a great plant because we made everyone smile. :)
So proud of you Brandon! Love you babe.
After I told Brandon we were pregnant, I said, "Okay babe, you know what this means. After our last baby we are doing a marathon together." So our next goal is a marathon. And a 100 gran fondo like Levi's in Santa Rosa for our 10-year anniversary.