Wednesday, August 03, 2011

Denver bound

It's Wed and I am visiting my sister Jessie and Nick and my nephews and niece, Colin, Brad, Adam and Lydia...alone. Yes, tears were shed at the airport as I left Ava and Sophia--Brandon gave me a big hug and kiss and we said goodbye. Brandon was in the first picture eating peach and blueberry spoonbread. I love to vary the ingredients and use whatever is freshest and in season. This was out of this world. I put fresh lemon zest with the peaches and blueberries. Sophia was in a marker war and the marker won--oh Soph. Jess made this amazing green bean and feta salad today - so yum!

I have already texted or written "we" at least three times referring to myself because I am so used to being with either Brandon or the girls. The plane ride was great although a little tight quarters -- it was a full ride and I was beside someone who looked uncomfortable sitting in his seat. Thank goodness I got a window seat. I listened to the History Chix podcast, read a mag and dozed for a little bit of the 2.5 hour trip.

So fun to see Jessie and the boys when they picked me up. Love them! We had pizza and Jessie made a delicious custard rhubarb pie with coconut. Have to try that out. Loved hugging little Lydia and the boys. Lydia is a great mix between Colin and Adam and Jessie. And her cheeks are pinchaddicting!

This morning we went to Evergreen and I got a run in at Elk Valley--amazingly beautiful. The temperature was only 68, but since we are higher up the sun was super bright. Great to see Jinjer and her sweet kids, Jade, Jersie and Justice. Jessie and I went to college with Jinjer and love seeing her. She is having her fourth soon.

Ava and Sophia are staying the night with my mom and dad tonight. They were so excited to sleep over and see Lady, the dog and Ethan and Charlotte.

Enjoy the pictures.

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