Saturday, March 08, 2008

Good things

Here is a list of good things that I personally love, like or use a lot.

Baby Bell cheese

so yummy with melba toast and grapes, pears or apples

New spring line of BCBG
Wish i used. Wish i had a place to wear the clothes.

Iced tall/grande coffees from starbucks, one pump carmel or vanilla (depending on the day) with a little bit of cream
Not a lot of cream mr. marsyville starbucks guy who overdoes it and puts 10 lbs on my bootie.

Having Brandon home early on a Friday and making homemade pizza!

Ok. I have had a little extra time and no computer. You can magine what there is to do with the snow outside. So, hello Giada, "Joy of Cooking," and Tyler.

Martha Stewart
She starts off her show saying she is going to talk about hardwood floors and maple syrup, which almost makes me turn the channel. But, I keep watching and find it utterly fascinating! Did you know they don't have a roof on the top of the building where they cook the sap of the tree so that the steam goes up and out of the building? And the temperature of the fire is around 1,500 degrees? Mmm. Pancakes anyone?

Angels and Airwaves
Listen to Angels and Airwaves's Adventure and see how much faster you run or do housework. It's so great for getting lots of stuff done because the music is super fast. Good for 10 year high school reunion soundtracks as well. (Yes, I used it for our 10 year reunion)

Marysville Library
Love getting tons of books, DVDs, music and magazine without paying anything. They let us put things on hold for free, and Ms. Linda who does baby storytime is great!

Banana Bread with chocolate chips and flax seed
You don't taste the flax seed, which has Omega-3, and what else can you say about warm chocolate chips and bananas? So yummy. I make tons of the loaves and freeze so that you can have them on hand when you need them.


Unknown said...

You know, I went to get those little Baby Bells and they didn't have any at Giant Eagle! Very disappointing...I guess I will just have to wait for church next week!

Brandon said...

try kroger, they always have them for around 3.25. But wal-Mart is crazy expensive. go figure!