Friday, November 30, 2007

Notice anything new?

Well, in the interest of earning a quick buck, we are now including ads (gulp) on our site. So, go ahead and click away! The ads will be monitored and will apply to content on this site. So support the site and click, click, click!

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Rick and Kate's Wedding

Brian and Amber Brandon and I betting how long until Brandon cried at the ceremony
Rick and Kate at the wedding ceremony...Kate looked gorgeous!

You got to cut loose, Footloose.....
Okay. So putting pictures from my camera to the computer is a long arduous process that I don't like to take time to accomplish. However, it's always nice when Brandon does it for me! Here are pictures from Rick and Kate's wedding. The wedding was beautiful and they had the reception at the Four Seasons in Hilliard, which was a really lovely venue. And of course it was a fun and crazy wedding.

The only bad thing about the whole thing is that they have moved to Seattle. We miss you guys!! :)

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Shmidt cousin reunion

Boy Shmidts
Cousin Shmidts
Aunt Christina, Ava and me
How cute are they! This is all of the little cousins including, Trey, Gavin, Aubrey, Mathew, Morgan, Ava and Wesley.
Girl Shmidts
The now annual Shmidt cousin reunion was held last week and here are some pictures from our fun time. Karin and Lance invited everyone to have the party in Mount Vernon and we enjoyed chili, shredded chicken, and tons of other yummy food. Of course, we had to take lots of pictures (well, Christina did!).

Thursday, November 01, 2007


On Wednesday, we dressed Ava up as a little ladybug complete with ladybug ears and passed out 9 bags of candy to princes, spidermen, and other assorted costumes. I thought there was more teenagers this year than usual. Brandon was our candy dictator and would only let us pass out candy one at a time. he. he. Anyways, Ava had a great time and loved to clap when she saw kids who were dressed up. We sat on the porch until seven and then had dinner. Aunt Becca was here and had a fun time!

Here's our ladybug.