Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Rain, Rain go away.

Ava has been singing Rain, Rain go Away this whole Spring it seems. The weather has been either blistering hot (yest. around 91 at 4 with Ohio humidity) or monsoon weather at 70 degrees.

Yesterday we had a blast at the Dublin Rec Center. We aren't members but we got our moneys worth staying there from 10:30 am to 2.

I got to see some friends there, which is always fun too! The one reason I love going there is that the Wee Folk room is so amazing. The girls call it their "school" and they always have a friend or two in the room. I always feel really safe leaving them for a much-needed mommy break.

I ran for about 4.5 miles (8:56/mile) and my cool down was around 9:30 mile pace. It felt really good after my biking/running the day before. After that I was going to tackle the swim part of the brick.

I got into the lap pool and found my lane after talking with a lifeguard. I have never ever swam laps before and have a little fear of deep water (ask Becca after my scuba diving experience). I swam a couple of laps and thought, wow, I must have done like 250 yards! No, I had done 75. I was exhausted and getting lapped on one side by an older woman in her 70s and a tri guy (lapped me multiple times) on my right exhibiting perfect form and showing off goggles and swim cap. Hmm. Is it mandatory to wear the swim cap and goggles? Swimmers?

My mom is a swimmer. I remember her swimming laps during rest time at our pool during the Summer. She would always glide along, free from the cares of taking care of five kids. It must have been heaven to her. :)

So, I thought as I was swimming. "Well, this is good for a person. It's always good to do something that you are 1.)afraid of and 2.) look horrible at." You can't be afraid of doing something because you will perform poorly. Everyone starts somewhere. It really struck me how learning something new all of the time is really good for a person. It makes life interesting.

I finished about 200 or so yards and went and picked up the girls from class and went swimming with them. We had a great time.

Tell me - are you learning something new right now? Do you want to try something but your afraid of starting?

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